Mr. Jean-Guy Prévost

Birth date: March 15, 1953

Date of death: January 17, 2025


It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Jean-Guy Prévost, on Friday, January 17th, 2025, after a very lengthy and courageous battle with cancer. He leaves behind his lovely wife Yolande (Leroux), his son Sylvain and daughter Julie (Marcel). He will also be missed by his grandchildren François, Sophie and Sébastien as well as many nieces and nephews. Jean-Guy is also survived by his brothers Philippe, Marcel (Lois), André (Hélène) and his sisters Suzanne (Claude) and Monique (Guy). He will be missed by many more.

Thank you to the Palliative Care staff. It was very comforting to know that he was in the hands of such a great facility and staff.

For those who wish, a donation in honour of Jean-Guy may be made to the Ottawa Cancer Foundation.


As per Jean-Guy’s request, there will be no celebration. He will be cremated and his ashes will be placed in the columbarium at the Holy-Cross cemetery in Rockland, privately.

Funeral Details

As per Jean-Guy’s request, there will be no celebration of life.


2419 Laurier Street
Rockland, Ont. 613-446-4691

Condolences at

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  • Thank you for choosing to make a donation, your message will be published under the obituary among the messages of condolence.
  • You must make your monetary donation to the charity indicated by clicking on the web link in the obituary.
  • If the family has not chosen a specific charity, you may make your donation to the charity of YOUR CHOICE.
  • This message does not give you the option to publish the monetary amount.
  • Please now make your donation on the charity’s website. Thank you.
Damienne Mathé et Neil Ayotte 2025-02-03 07:26:48
Nos profondes sympathies à Monique et votre famille. Nous sommes de tout cœur avec vous. Courage et force en cette période difficile…
Monique Durivage 2025-01-29 10:45:16
Nos sincères condoléances a la famille Prevost, ainsi qu'a ses enfants Julie et Sylvain. REPOSE EN PAIX Jean-guy, tu nous chanteras Neon Moon de là-haut. Leo et Monique Gauthier-Durivage (amie d'enfance et de Karaoke)
Raymond et Rachel Prevost 2025-01-23 14:05:38
Raymond et Rachel Prevost Nos condoléances à Julie, Sylvain et famille.q
Lynne Shrubsole Mathieu 2025-01-23 07:48:08
My condolences to the family.
Andrée Viau 2025-01-22 10:08:54
Sincères condoléances à la famille. J’ai connu Jean-Guy au pickalball et j’en garde de bons souvenirs.
Lynne et Robert Leger 2025-01-21 19:03:41
Nos plus sinceres condoleances a la famille et amis.
Suzanne Bruyère 2025-01-21 17:05:13
Sincères sympathies à Sylvain et Julie ainsi que toute la famille. Je garde les plus beaux moments passés avec Jean-Guy, il aimait la vie et les gens. Comme tu aimais m’appeler Suzie.
Sylvie et Mario Lacoursière 2025-01-21 17:04:52
Nous offrons nos sincères condoléances à Marcel et à la famille Prévost.